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AdventureHER Travel

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Entrepreneur Kim Beaupre doesn’t just want you to simply exist. She wants you to live, and she has the perfect recipe for success when it comes to that ideal. Through her exciting business, AdventureHER Travel, she encourages her clients to LIVE with promise, LOVE with passion, LAUGH with pleasure and CELEBRATE to the fullest. She also realizes that this is sometimes easier said than done, but Kim is at the helm of your personal and professional travel success story, and she’s ready to deliver on her promise.

“I truly believe that as adults, we lose the ability to play,” noted Kim, who is all too familiar with the world in which so many of us tend to stagnate while meeting the demands of work and family, struggling with obstacles and disappointments in life and rarely taking the time to connect with ourselves on a deeply personal and intimate level.

Concept Springing from Experience Over the years, Kim has indulged her passion for not just traveling and vacationing, but immersing herself within the culture of the places she has visited. She honed her skills in travel planning by frequently gathering friends and family and organizing grand adventures both near and far. When some of her friends suggested that Kim consider doing this for a living, the proverbial light bulb went off.

And so AdventureHER Travel was born, with its express mission to “encourage and empower all women to unlock and embrace their dream’s potential by exploring inspiring destinations that ignite inner self-discovery and fulfilment of a new direction.”

Connecting the Physical with the Personal How does AdventureHER Travel do this? They provide unparalleled service that meets and exceeds clients’ expectations through safe, fun and adventure-filled tours to points of interest both domestic and international. By joining small groups of like-minded women, usually 6 to 12 in a group, each client is fully supported in her aim to set goals and reshape her mind, body and spirit while simultaneously renewing, reviving, reflecting and rejoicing. These are not just physical journeys; they’re also personal ones.

“I thoroughly research the destinations before we visit them,” explained Kim. “And not just for the facts, but for the unique and interesting aspects of the place. I like to approach a place as if we are explorers.” Kim also brings to the table 24 years of experience in education and business and is a graduate of the International Guide Academy, which prepared her for success as a qualified tour manager.

Leave Reality behind for a While Kim hopes to give clients a chance to drop out of the world for a little bit and take them to a place in which they can simultaneously lose themselves and find themselves. “My dream is to empower others,” she emphasized. As part of her company’s culture, Kim has created a strong Advisory Leadership Committee consisting of several women with expertise in multiple professional disciplines. Together, they hold each other accountable for all the company does.

Creating a Lifetime Experience Through AdventureHER Travel, Kim brings a life coaching element to each adventure while creating a retreat-like atmosphere that encourages connection with one another on a highly personal and insightful level. “It’s about empowering the mind, body and spirit,” she noted. “It’s important to take time for yourself to reconnect, relax and rediscover who you really are.” The purpose of AdventureHER Travel is to provide unique travel opportunities for self-discovery for global-thinking women who truly desire to make a difference by joyfully combining their passions and purpose.

AdventureHER travel does not just create a typical tourist-like excursion, either. Itineraries are designed to allow for personal discovery, play and self-reflection, all set at a relaxed pace and tailored specifically for each individual. And if you don’t feel you can commit to a full week of exploration, AdventureHER Travel will happily pro-rate a journey that you can enjoy for just a few days or a long weekend.

Discovery and Authenticity Kim remains grateful to all of those people in her life who have sustained her through her own journey of discovery, including her two grown daughters, grown son, life partner and also her sister, whom Kim describes as her hero and her support system. “She has four daughters and has experienced life with cancer, doing so with grace and courage,” reflected Kim, who shared a greeting card message from her sister that expresses it all for Kim.

“In the card it said, ‘Be strong. Be proud. Be what you love. Be your passions. Be your beliefs. But…Be YOU!’ That is the message I want to convey to the women who embrace our adventures,” smiled Kim. HLM

For more information on AdventureHER Travel, go online at or call 720-384-7136.